Stephen Harper’s Delusional Paranoia Increases Security On Campaign

By André Faust

What is Harper so afraid of? Canadians? Stephen Harper travel agenda is so secretive that mainstream media do not know where he will be until hours before Harpers arrival. Fredericton blogger Charles Leblanc announced Harper’s arrival to Fredericton long before local media announced his arrival.

When Harper’s bus arrived at the Fredericton Legion, he had an entourage of security vehicles and personnel. RCMP suited in military battle suits; each equipped to engage in an all-out war.

Has Harper’s mental state deteriorated to such a point where he has become delusional believing that everyone is out to get him. Fear is a dangerous thing; it can make people behave in irrational ways.

There is on empirical evidence that suggest that Canada is at greater risk of foreign terrorist attacks then there has been in the past. His fears are all make believe. Since the likely hood of external attacks are highly unlikely, then he must fear his fellow Canadians. Maybe he is suffering from the Julius Caesar complex “being murdered by one’s one”.
As well if one recalls: Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman statesman, general and notable author of Latin prose. He played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic. Is Harper following Caesar’s footsteps?

RCMP Blocked From Entering Unist’ot’en Territory

Original Story Unistotencamp

Unist’ot’en Call for Physical Support and Solidarity

Dear Friends and Supporters,

It is becoming clear that the situation here is moving toward an escalation point. Chevron has set up a base in Houston in order to do work on the secton of Pacific Trails Pipeline that crosses our traditional territory.

In recent days a low-flying helicopter has flown over the camp several times following a route that corresponds to the path of the proposed PTP pipeline. We were also visited by the head of the RCMP detachment who clearly stated to Freda that they intend to “ensure the work crews can do their work safely.”

Our supporters maintaining an Unist’ot’en check point on Chisolm Rd were also visited and threatened by the police. In both cases, the officers asserted that we could be arrested for blocking a “public road”.

It is clear by the timing of these recent police actions that they are working in tandem with the pipeline companies.

We have made it clear to the police and industry that we are not blockading the road. We are establishing check-points on the boundaries of our unceded Unist’ot’en territories. People and companies who gain our consent are allowed to enter.

Many of you have visited our yintah (territory) and have experienced first-hand our critical infrastructure of water, salmon, berries and medicines. We are determined to protect this land for future generations, and in the process do our bit to shut down the toxic fossil fuel infrastructure that threatens all forms of living life on this planet.

At this time we would like to ask our supporters for the following things:

1) If you have been to our camp before and/or if you feel comfortable to put your self on the front-line to stand with us against Chevron, you can register here:

2) If you are unable to assist in person but would like to send financial support to help us with equipment and operational costs, donations can be sent by email transfer to fhuson(at)

Or if you would like to donate online you could contribute to the Healing Centre fundraiser:

Cheques can be made out to “Tse Wedi Elth”, 620 CN Station Rd, Smithers, BC, V0J 2N1.

3) You could organize solidarity actions where you live, either against Chevron directly or one of their investors.

Sne Kal Yah!

Unist’ot’en Camp

The Role of Law Enforcement Officers

Roles remain the same except for the Uniform

By André Faust

While Law Enforcement officers appear to serve as a mechanism to maintain social order, their roles go above and beyond the protection and safety of the general population.  They have become a device to ultimately protect the interests of the State, the corporations and the money, protecting theses interests are paramount to protecting the interests of the general public.  The equation is not equal. This inequality is seen when police are called to control the activities involved in peaceful or aggressive demonstration, protest or strike.

The problem does not lie solely with the police agencies, but in the laws themselves that they are mandated to enforce. Unfortunately, the laws don’t make the distinction between protecting the interests of the public, and protecting the interests of the Government, Corporate and Financial institutions. In the eyes of the law both are one of the same.  It’s one thing to protect the public from physical, financial and property harm, but it’s another to protect the stakeholders who have vested interests in protecting their control and authority over human and natural resources.   Once the police start to enforce that laws the protect the stakeholders, then police effectively become a tool for the stakeholders to use against the general public to exploit the resources, natural and human without any regards to the consequences that it can have on the resources.

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Harper’s Omnibus Bills put the screws to Aborignals and Canadians

Omnibus Bill
Click to enlarge

By André Faust

The Omnibus bill is an accepted work around the democratic process of voting on bills. It’s a quick dirty way to get around in making unrelated and unfavorable changes to a fundamental law.

Essentially an Omnibus bill is a single document which has embedded within its body a series of related or unrelated bills that is packaged together as one law and the one law is voted on.  If the law is passed so are all the other bills contained in the document passed as well.  Think of an Omnibus bill, like the channel packages that your cable or satellite providers gives you, One Channel package my contain a couple of good channels and the remain channels shit channels, in order to get the good channels you have the purchase the package.  The omnibus bill is similar; to get the “Good Bills”,  you have to accept the “Shit Bills” as well. Continue reading