Civil rights and liberties advocate André Faust Chastises Facebook Group Fredericton Daily News For Biased Censorship

By André Faust (June 13, 2017)

It is only a simple Facebook page that boasts it delivers news to Fredericton and surrounding area, but when you look under the hood, in their description a different story is told. The site is a tool to promote their antivigilante group against potential sex abusers.

Here is the description of what this page purpose of the page.

Daily News Groups was created as a tool to get out the messages from the Sexual Abuse Network of Canada to locals about convicted child molesters living in communities filled with children when traditional media does not report on them. We have 49 groups across Canada that has one for every province and groups for most major cities. We post local news and in the cities with online police scanners, we post scanner calls as they happen to keep everyone informed second by second as the calls take place.

When an issue comes up where a local city has a child molester that needs to be profiled and the city warned we can use the Daily News Groups to get the message to the people in those communities.

By joining up to your local group and adding your friends and family as well, we build a network of concerned citizens worried about who is near our children as they play. As the groups grow and we profile a child molester their opportunities to get close to another child goes down when everyone already knows who they are and where they are.

We are the first that we know of that has created a national database of child molesters that the public can access and it is growing everyday by our local group members telling us about who is in their backyards and after doing the research on them we add them to the database. EVERY NAME on the database has been CONVICTED of molesting a child . You can access this site with the link below.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to private message any of our admins and they would be more than happy to help you.

Contrary to what they claim the purpose of the group is they portrait themselves as a news source, who will not publish any controversial news story instead of they stick with fluff news with really no substance, in other words, the news that they post is inherent news.

From what can be determined the administrators of the page are pro-pipeline. They pulled a news story where Mark D’Archy of Council of Canadians was explaining the secrecy behind the pipeline deals.

The pipeline story did spawn arguments on both sides of the issue, both the pros and the cons demonstrated much respect to each other’s positions. So pulling the interview was not a question of profanity. The discourse between the two was more or less an educational experience. The pulling the story was a blatant manipulation of information to prevent any counter arguments against the pipeline from being express.

Given that the objective of the site is totally different than the name of the page “Fredericton Daily News” the page is actually a promotional page for another cause. That being said the Title Fredericton news is a deception.

The Things That Government And The Oil Industry Does Not Want You To Know!

Transcription by André Faust (June 10, 2017)

André Faust: I’m here with Mark D’Arcy of the Council of Canadians. In your press release, you made reference to secrecy in relationship to the pipeline. In what context do you mean that?

Mark D’Arcy: Energy will be the largest pipeline project ever constructed here in North America. There is a two-year review process, it been held up because a controversy and the original National Energy Board Panel actually was forced to resign and so this whole project has been delayed. One obstacle after another being put off by the government’s unwillingness to be public with the law of risks associated with the tar sands and the bitumen pipeline.

So here in New Brunswick, we had no public meetings only one by the city of Edmunston because of their watershed, drinking water watershed being traversed by the proposed pipeline route that is it!

No other public meetings in the province whatsoever over the last three years four years this project review, and why is that. The waterways you see in behind men the St. John River, the Nashwaak River, multiple crossings by this long pipeline route over the tributaries leading into these rivers system.

Tar sand bitumen is very different from conventional oil it will actually form tar balls and then those sink to the bottom and aggressively stick to the sentiment. Very, very difficult to get the lion’s share 20 to 30 percent of the bitumen will stick to these waterways after a major spill as seen by the North Saskatchewan River as seen last year as well as the Kalamazoo River in Michigan back in 2010.

A lot of these risks of the tar sand bitumen pipeline the government and its proponents, TransCanada and Irving do not want the public to know about them.

The watershed there is catastrophic long-term damage to the waterways and acutely the communities along the pipeline route there is a severe acute health risk to be exposed to a tar sand bitumen pipeline spill.

There would have to be early warning air raid sirens installed in the communities along the waterways where a potential spill would enter. People would have to be evacuated immediately because of the very neural toxic chemicals that are used to dilute the tar sands bitumen.

This is not something you fool around with and unfortunately there are has been no real math provided, no community notification along the pipeline route here in New Brunswick, and you when you look at the accumulative effect of all of that, people have been left in the dark. So there is complete secrecy by TransCanada, by Irving, by the lobbyist which includes the government of New Brunswick and the Government of Canada, and they don’t want the community to know one; the route and two; the extreme risk that tar sands bitumen pipe line will put their watershed at.

André Faust: Thank you, Mark

Mark D’Arcy: Thank you.

The Harmony Project A Response to Aggressive Pipeline Marketing

Transcription of Video by André Faust

Look what they done to my yard ma! The words uttered after a catastrophic environmental disaster cause by Industry and the profiteers.

Today we are launching the harmony project, a pipeline art project throughout over 400 kilometres of proposed pipeline route of the energy east of the pipeline in the Province of New Brunswick, today the people of this province are taking a lead in mapping out the proposed route of this huge 42 inch tar sands pipeline.

This is a public awareness and opposition building campaign. The reason for this campaign is that communities across this province have been kept in the dark about the exact route of the proposed tar sand pipeline and the risk and impact of this pipeline to their communities.

TransCanada, the National Energy board and Brian Gallant’s government have failed to provide even basic information such as easy to read and understandable maps. This is in contrast to the Kinder Morgan trans mountain pipeline proposal on the west coast of Canada where the National Energy board and that company the public can easily access zoomable maps of the pipeline route and easy to read and access detail maps.

Here the TransCanada, National Energy Board, Brian Gallant’s government have failed to provide public meetings. They have failed to provide writes and impacts specific to New Brunswick through province environmental impact assessments, and they have failed to provide even the basic maps of the route through our New Brunswick Communities.

The question that I ask to everyone today. Would you trust a large resource company and government that refuses to answer questions in public? and would you trust large resource company and government that refuses to provide the basic tools and maps to understand where the pipeline is going through their water shed and community?

I really see the Harmony Project, I like just like provide a few closing comments, the Harmony Project really is the people in this province taking command of the situation. The time line has just been announced by the National Energy Board for the Energy East review process, and we have panel meetings starting as early as September this fall here in this province, and TransCanada, the province of New Brunswick, National Energy Board have basically run out of time.
The citizens of this province, the indigenous people who we share this land with we have to take control of the situation.

The Harmony Project I see is a celebration of the intelligence the resilience and the history of this amazing part of the world and Anglophone, francophone we make up a small percentage maybe two or three percent of the human history of this province. The Harmony Project embraces the huge history times an memorial.

We have the creation the tree of life on the Harmony Project poster. The artwork that we are using is from the indigenous culture, and I think that all of us the Anglophone, the Francophone, the indigenous communities are coming together in harmony to show that we are all connected by this huge vast water basin. It is one of the largest watershed on the eastern seaboard and it’s the worst possible location for forty-two-inch tar sand pipeline.


Councillors Caught With Pants Down For Hosting Secret Meeting

By André Faust

What was City Council thinking when they held a closed private meeting behind the public’s back on January 25, 2016 to approve sending a letter of support for the construction of the Energy East Pipeline to the Prime Minister without consulting its citizens first?

Haven’t they learned anything from the screw up they did with Occupy Fredericton where they paid out an out of court settlement of 14,350$ to the plaintiffs because the city operated outside the law when they ordered the demolition of the Occupy Camp.

An inside source has leaked that prior to meeting some councilors present express serious concerns about the legality of holding this clandestine meeting without the public’s knowledge and the political backlash that could arise should the public find out.

The Municipalities act clearly states what meetings can be held privy to the public and which meetings can’t.

Yet council proceeded move ahead to honour the request from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to send a letter of support to Prime-Minister Trudeau.

The City of Edmundston did it right, they consulted with their citizens first before making their decision to oppose the construction of the pipe line. The city asked for a guarantee from energy east that there were no chances of any contamination from the Energy east pipeline. Since 2009 there has, on average 2 catastrophic breaches per year.

Considering the risks, Edmundston Mayor Cyrille Simard told CBC “the city’s water source is not negotiable” and “C’est le rôle du conseil municipal de protéger les intérêts de la population”, meaning it is the responsibility of a city council to protect the interests of it’s citizens, which the city of Fredericton has failed miserably to do so by making their decision incognito to the public.

The city to date has refused to answer any questions from the media in regards to the legality of the meeting and the lack of consultation with its citizen. With an election around the corner what do you expect?

In light that the city was in error to approve the letter to send to Trudeau, The city of Fredericton Now needs to do the honorable thing and Take Back the Letter!
