The Things That Government And The Oil Industry Does Not Want You To Know!

Transcription by André Faust (June 10, 2017)

André Faust: I’m here with Mark D’Arcy of the Council of Canadians. In your press release, you made reference to secrecy in relationship to the pipeline. In what context do you mean that?

Mark D’Arcy: Energy will be the largest pipeline project ever constructed here in North America. There is a two-year review process, it been held up because a controversy and the original National Energy Board Panel actually was forced to resign and so this whole project has been delayed. One obstacle after another being put off by the government’s unwillingness to be public with the law of risks associated with the tar sands and the bitumen pipeline.

So here in New Brunswick, we had no public meetings only one by the city of Edmunston because of their watershed, drinking water watershed being traversed by the proposed pipeline route that is it!

No other public meetings in the province whatsoever over the last three years four years this project review, and why is that. The waterways you see in behind men the St. John River, the Nashwaak River, multiple crossings by this long pipeline route over the tributaries leading into these rivers system.

Tar sand bitumen is very different from conventional oil it will actually form tar balls and then those sink to the bottom and aggressively stick to the sentiment. Very, very difficult to get the lion’s share 20 to 30 percent of the bitumen will stick to these waterways after a major spill as seen by the North Saskatchewan River as seen last year as well as the Kalamazoo River in Michigan back in 2010.

A lot of these risks of the tar sand bitumen pipeline the government and its proponents, TransCanada and Irving do not want the public to know about them.

The watershed there is catastrophic long-term damage to the waterways and acutely the communities along the pipeline route there is a severe acute health risk to be exposed to a tar sand bitumen pipeline spill.

There would have to be early warning air raid sirens installed in the communities along the waterways where a potential spill would enter. People would have to be evacuated immediately because of the very neural toxic chemicals that are used to dilute the tar sands bitumen.

This is not something you fool around with and unfortunately there are has been no real math provided, no community notification along the pipeline route here in New Brunswick, and you when you look at the accumulative effect of all of that, people have been left in the dark. So there is complete secrecy by TransCanada, by Irving, by the lobbyist which includes the government of New Brunswick and the Government of Canada, and they don’t want the community to know one; the route and two; the extreme risk that tar sands bitumen pipe line will put their watershed at.

André Faust: Thank you, Mark

Mark D’Arcy: Thank you.

CBC Bans David Coon and Kris Austin from engaging in French Debate


What is the method behind CBCs madness when they barred the leaders from the Green party and the People’s alliance, according to CBC radio the reasons that they denied the leaders from the green and the People’s alliance party was because CBC radio was of the opinion that neither of these two candidates French was good enough to have on air.

This is interesting because how do you actually judge one’s competence in a second language what are the benchmarks that they are using to determine what is competent and what isn’t. The problem seems to be that it appears that CBC radio has used two different types of criteria is to determine fluency in French. From a Francophone perspective David Alward is in affected ineffective when he is discoursing in French. David Alward when he is reading from a script creates the illusion that he is somewhat fluent French but when you listen to him read his French script it is obvious that he does not comprehend what he is reading. When Alward speaks French without a script his deficiency in the language stands out. In this respect Alward, when he is trying to express his thoughts in French he is no better than the leaders of the Green and People’s alliance party. It is always difficult to speak and express one’s thoughts accurately when one isn’t familiar with the language.

So the question is once again asked. Why is Alward allowed to participate in the French debate who skills are at par with the other two leaders that CBC has identified as not being fluent enough to be allowed to engage in the public debate on CBCs airwaves?

Had CBC tried to exclude Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois from the English debate in Québec because of her limited fluency in English. Had CBC radio Québec refused her participation in the English debates the people of Québec would have gone up in arms against CBC.

So why then is CBC radio giving Premier David Alward preferential treatment. If the leaders of the respective parties feel comfortable enough to debate the issues in their second language than they should be allowed to do so.

David Alward originally declined to attend any debates with anyone on the issues of very Harper like strategy, however recently Alward reversed his decision and is now going to partake in this September 9 debate however party president Jason Stephen did say that they did not agree in allowing the Green and the alliance parties joining in the debate.

There has to be more behind this story, which will not be revealed to the public until after the elections.


NB Tories Desperate for Visibility

By André Faust

With the New Brunswick provincial election just around the corner most of the provincial parties are in pre-election campaign mode getting ready for the big day September 22.

Typically active campaigning does not start until the writ is dropped a month before the election date. However, the Alward Tories are getting a head start by having their incumbents run billboard sized ads wishing everyone a safe and happy July 1st weekend, wish is masking the true message “Vote PC” The function of the ads is to increase early visibility of the incumbents in their respective ridings in order to gain a slight advantage over the other party candidates. This is the first time in four years that the PC party have ever wished New Brunswickers to have a happy and safe long weekend. Continue reading